20 September 2024

Not a single COVID-19 infection, or related fatality, has been recorded in Thailand today (Tuesday), according to the CCSA.

The country’s accumulated infections to date are at 3,195, while the death toll remains at 58, with 3,072 recoveries.

A total of 182,490 new cases were reported today worldwide, pushing cumulative infections to 11,739,171, with the United States still leading with more than 3,000,000.

Globally, total fatalities are 540,660, with more than 6.6 million recoveries.

Brazil ranks second, with about 1.7 million infections, followed by India, which has recorded 720,346 and Russia with 687,862.

Despite the steadily increasing infections in Brazil, food shops, barber’s shops and entertainment venues in Sao Paolo have resumed limited operations, after 3 months of closure, with each allowed to have only 40% of its seating capacity occupied, according to the CCSA.

All venues are allowed to operate for only six hours a day and they must close by 5pm.

It is reported that Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has undergone a COVID-19 test, after he developed a fever and other symptoms, but an X-Ray indicated that his lungs are normal. Full results of the tests are not known at the timer of reporting.