20 September 2024

Envoys from 12 countries in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are currently on a three-day visit to Thailand’s three southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat, to see the situation there for themselves, including tourism and cultural aspects, and to explore investment opportunities in the Halal food industry.

Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said today that authorities concerned briefed the envoys on various matters, especially security in the region, and exchanged views with them.

He said that the objective of the three-day visit, which began yesterday, is to understand the situation on the ground, that it is safe and ready to accommodate investments from Islamic countries.

Yesterday, the delegation visited the central masjid in Pattani and observed the production of Batik fabrics by community enterprise groups in Yaring district. Some of the envoys had a go at painting their Batik designs on the cloth.

The delegates then went to Yala province, where a dinner was hosted in their honour at the government complex by Anutin and Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong.

The envoys will travel to Raman district this afternoon and inspect the construction of a bridge across the Su-ngai Kolok River.

Pol Lt-Col Wannapong Kotcharak, secretary-general of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre, said that the visit represents an example of bilateral communication, which will help people in Islamic countries to understand the real situation in various areas concerning Thailand’s Deep South, the Thai government’s assurance of foreign investment and the capability of the region to accommodate it.