20 September 2024
Outgoing Chiang Rai governor Narongsak Osotthanakorn, who has been playing a key role in the search and rescue mission to save the 12 young footballers and their coach trapped in Tham Luang cave since June 23,  bid farewell today to his colleagues and residents of the province. His transfer to Pyayao province was formallyl announced  in the Royal Gazette on Wednesday.
However, Interior Permanent Secretary Chatchai Promlert has issued a ministerial order for him to carry on with his job to oversee the rescue operation until the mission to extract the 12-member Wild Boar football team and their coach out of the flooded cave is accomplished or until new changes are ordered.

In a Line Application post, Mr Narongsak told his colleagues that the past 15 months of his governorship in Chiang Rai would always be remembered.  He said he was proud to have worked with them, especially during the time of crisis.


“I love Chiang Rai and everyone,” he wrote at the end of his post.


Mr Narongsak paid respect to the city’s shrine and the monument of Chiang Rai’s former king, Por Khun Ngam Muang before proceeding to the provincial hall to meet with his well wishers, who include provincial officials and members of the public.