20 September 2024

A total of 1,099 Thais working in Israel have expressed a wish to return to Thailand and the Royal Thai Air Force has arranged for an Airbus 340 and four C-130 transport planes to evacuate them as soon as Israel gives the green light.

Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn told a news conference today (Monday) that most of the Thais want to return home have been working in southern Israel, near Gaza, where fighting has been raging between Israeli defence forces and Hamas militants.

As of Sunday night, he disclosed that about 5,000 Thais have been evacuated from Gaza to safety and evacuation is continuing.

The minister said that earlier reports that two Thais had been confirmed dead in Hamas attacks were inaccurate, as it was discovered that the two deceased were, in fact, Chinese nationals, adding that the Labour Ministry is waiting for an official report from Israeli officials about Thai fatalities, as well as those who were injured or taken hostage.

Unconfirmed accounts from Israeli employers suggest that as many as 12 Thais could have been killed in Hamas attacks. The figures are yet to be verified by Israeli authorities.

There are about 30,000 Thais in Israel, most of them working on farms in kibbutz or moshav.