20 September 2024

The Pheu Thai Party is demanding clarifications from the Move Forward party regarding Pita Limjaroenrat’s statement yesterday (Saturday) urging all coalition parties and the public to help in changing the minds of senators and amending the Constitution to eliminate senators’ power in selecting the prime minister.

Pheu Thai Secretary-General Prasert Chanthararuangthong said today that, before the eight coalition parties are due to meet tomorrow, he would like Move Forward to clarify the party’s stance on the lèse majesté law and on constitutional amendments pertaining to Section 272.

He pointed out that, during the debate in parliament last Thursday, most senators said they did not have any objection to Pita as the next prime minister, but are opposed to the party’s stance on amending the lèse majesté law.

He said that amending the charter, initiated by the Move Forward party, is not included in the memorandum of understanding (MoU), signed by the eight parties, adding that this is not the right time to talk about amending Section 272, because it is not an urgent issue.

While admitting that a previous proposal by Pheu Thai to amend Section 272 had failed, he urged Move Forward to refocus on the most urgent issue, which is to form a government.