20 September 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha today joined the Ministry of Public Health, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health) and its network to launch the “No Drink Driving for a Safe Return Home” campaign, which aims at reducing road accidents during the New Year holiday period.

The Prime Minister said most road accidents happen after the driver has consumed alcohol, which makes drivers careless, slow to react and more likely to be involved in accidents.

Pointing out that precautionary steps are being taken by the appropriate agencies to reduce accidents, he reminded motorists to do three things:  love yourself, love your family and love the other people.

Car drivers, he said, must not be bad-tempered. Instead, be kind to one another and ready to forgive, as he wished all travellers going home during the holidays a safe journey.

Thai Health manager Mr. Suprida Adulyanont, said that 463 people were killed in road accidents during the previous New Year break, including 91 who died on New Year’s Day.

The main causes of the carnage were speeding (38.2%) and drink driving (29.6%). 

53% percent of the fatalities were found to have excessive blood-alcohol levels.

Drinking just 1-2 cans of beer will increase reaction time, slow decision making by a second and reduce visual acuity said Suprida.