20 September 2024

Outgoing Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha bade farewell to the Thai people, after about nine years in the office, in his farewell message on Facebook today (Saturday) by expressing his hope that some of his government’s initiatives will be continued by the new administration, to lead Thailand to the “finish line.”

He also thanked the Thai people for their cooperation with his government in overcoming the obstacles and difficult times during the past nine years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, global conflicts and energy price fluctuations.

He said that the nine years were the most meaningful period of his life, during which he had “dedicated his wisdom and capabilities and coordinated with all sectors of Thai society for the benefit of the country and the people.”

He claimed that, during his time in office, Thailand had developed in several areas, which will put Thailand among the world’s leading countries, thanks to the various projects initiated by his government.

He cited the 20-year national strategy, which is the “compass” to guide the development of the country under the concept of sustainable development.

He said his government had made massive investments in transport and communication infrastructure, encompassing highways, rail and aviation, to accommodate social and economic expansion in the future.

The government invested in the building of telecommunications infrastructure and digital platforms, in cooperation with foreign investors, to turn Thailand into a regional hub for data centres, cloud services and 5G technology, claimed Prayut.

He added that his government had set up the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) to accommodate 12 future industries and to upgrade Thai labour, to cope with the future demand for skilled and tech-oriented labour.

The government has also developed mechanisms to manage key natural resources, such as water, forests and land, with the promulgation of the country’s first water law, the creation of the National Water Resources Office, the National Land Policy Committee and the making of the One Map, to resolve the long overdue land overlapping problems and land distribution for landless people, he said.

As far as public services are concerned, the outgoing prime minister claimed his government had introduced new technology, to enable people to get easier and more convenient access to government services, such as the state welfare card scheme and 1669 hotline for emergency health care.