20 September 2024

Bangkok police have put reinforcements on standby, including rapid mobile units and vehicles, to cope with the situation tomorrow (Thursday), when supporters of the Move Forward party are expected to rally near parliament as MPs and senators are due to select the new prime minister.

Spokesman for the Royal Thai Police, Pol Lt-Gen Archayon Kraithong, said today that Pol Gen Roy Ingkapairote, the deputy national police chief in charge of security affairs, has been appointed to oversee security, traffic management and the overall situation in and around parliament.

He said that, if the demonstrators spill onto the road from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s Kiak Kai administrative centre, which can accommodate only about 500 people, the police will make adjustment to their plan and increase space for the demonstrators.

The spokesman advised the organiser of the rally tomorrow, if there is any, to notify the Bang Sue police, who have jurisdiction over the area around the parliament building, 24 hours in advance, in accordance with the Public Assemblies Act.

He also urged the demonstrators to abide by the law by not causing a disturbance to people living in the area, not carrying offensive weapons and refraining from inciting unrest during the demonstration.

Motorists have been advised to avoid the road in front of parliament.

Meanwhile, city officials will erect 16 tents and install additional lighting at the Kiak Kai administrative centre and at a children’s playground, which will be opened to accommodate the demonstrators.