20 September 2024

The training centre for police cadets, at the Seventh Regional Bureau of the Thai police in Pak Tho district of the central province of Ratchaburi, has been locked down after about 180 cadets were found to be infected with COVID-19.

According to police, an investigation is underway to find out how the cadets were infected, despite none of them having been allowed to leave the centre for the past five months. Only cooks, maids went out to buy food ingredients.

Health officials have already separated those considered as high and low risk from each other. A mobile X-ray vehicle was sent to the training centre on Sunday, to take lung X-rays of all the infected. Seven, who experience breathing problems were, sent to Pak Thor district hospital for treatment.

Parents of the cadets have expressed concern about the safety of their children and are asking how they became infected while being confined to the centre.

The deputy commissioner of the Provincial  Police Region 7 office has assured the parents that the recruits are taken good care of and that everyone at the training centre has taken an RT-PCR test.

In the north-eastern province of Ubon Ratchathani, clusters of infections, originating from the sharing of school vans and which have spread to seven schools, have now spread to six night entertainment venues, which opened under the guise of being eateries.

So far, 203 students have been infected and 2,000 others, classified as being at high risk, and seven schools have suspended on-site classes. Over 200 others, linked to entertainment venues, are also infected.

According to public health officials, Ubon Ratchathani has been included in the list of 10 provinces with the highest infection rates for the past two days, with 142 cases logged today. Cumulative infections in the province, since April 1st this year, are 21,620 and the death toll is 173.