20 September 2024

There have been mixed reactions among members of the public to Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha’s recent remarks that he was “interested in politics.”

An opinion poll conducted by Suan Dust Poll shows that 40.50%  of the respondents believe it’s Gen Prayut’s right to express his interest in politics.  But  20.42% of the 1,218 respondents would rather want the prime minister to focus on his government’s performance, especially in improving the economy.

A total of 18.84% of the respondents view Gen Prayut’s expressed interest in politics as indicative of his desire to cling to power.

A total of 15.63%, however, see his remarks as a confirmation that the general election will be held  as promised; but they want the regime to ensure fairness in the election now that the prime minister has openly expressed his interest in politics.

A total of 13.50% of the respondents said they wanted Gen Prayut to think more carefully about his decision whether he would in the end enter politics or not. This group consisted of respondents who either approved or disapproved of the PM’s interest in politics.