20 September 2024

Outgoing Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha appealed for calm on Thursday, after supporters of the Move Forward leader, whose hopes of becoming prime minister have been dashed, conducted two noisy but peaceful gatherings.

Deputy government spokesman Rachada Dhnadirek said Prayut has kept abreast of the developing political situation.

“As the interim government is tasked with keeping peace and stability in the country, he wishes that all sides express their political opinions peacefully, within the rule of law and without violence….They should not destroy the economy, trade or investment. It is likely that, by the end of this year, the number of foreign tourists visiting Thailand will reach 35 million,” she said.

Rachada also said that Prayut understands the frustration of Pita’s supporters and urged the public to move Thailand forward in a democratic way, alongside the monarchy.

File photo : Rachada Dhnadireck

The prime minister is confident that the nation will soon have a new leader so that people can work together for the benefit of the country, Rachada said.

Pita had been a prime ministerial hopeful since his party won the most House seats in the May general election, but his hopes were dashed on Wednesday.

The first blow was the Constitutional Court’s order for him to refrain from MP duties, while it considers his ownership of shares in a media firm. The second was parliament’s rejection of his renomination to the top post.

On Wednesday, Pita’s supporters gathered outside parliament to support Pita’s renomination. When news of the Court’s order was released, more people joined the gathering. Some cried out loud and one woman fainted.

During the night, hundreds of people gathered at the Democracy Monument to express their anger over Pita’s thwarted bid for power. They lit candles and took turns to criticise senators and the court. They dispersed peacefully about 10 pm.