23 September 2024

The commander of the Fourth Army Region has ordered an investigation after 17 territorial defence students, in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat, were sent to hospital suffering from severe dehydration, some of whom had to be given dialysis

A Facebook post, by someone who calls himself “Sariman”, asked why first year territorial defence students are being sent to hospital after being subjected to harsh training and whether it was worth it. The urine of some of the students had even turned brown, a sign of dehydration.

The same netizen posted an update yesterday (Friday), expressing his appreciation to the provincial governor, doctors and some army officers for visiting to the students in hospital.

Lt-Gen Santi Sakuntanark, commander of the Fourth Army Region, said today that the army had taken good care of the 17 sick students and they all are safe now, adding, however, that a probe into the incident has been ordered.

He said that he had received a report from officers concerned that, on that particular day, when the 17 students passed out and were sent to the hospital, it was extremely hot and there was not enough drinking water provided during training.

He pointed out that first-year students might not be familiar with the extreme weather and their bodies were unable to “adapt”. He said that the training regimen might have to be adjusted and that the training venue should be well ventilated.