20 September 2024

Protesters have closed Bangkok’s Ratchadamnoen Klang Avenue outbound and erected several small stages for speakers. The protest site covers the area around the Democracy monument and all the way to the October 14 Memorial.

Speakers on each stage are discussing different issues and demands, such as the prime minister’s resignation, a new Constitution, reform of the Monarchy and education, among others. The road surface has been sprayed with graffiti calling for democracy.

Police are stationed around the area to keep the peace and handle traffic, but crowd control officers have not yet been seen there.

At 6.40pm, it was announced, from the main protest stage at the memorial, that their demonstration was ending and that the other stages should wrap up for the day.

There is another demonstration underway in front of Government House. The protesters plan to stay overnight. This protest is organized by an activist network from Chana district of Songkhla province, and is asking the government to revoke the city plan and cancel the Chana industrial project.

Meanwhile, a group of disabled people demonstrated in front of the Social Development and Human Security ministry, calling for equal rights and living standards, claiming that some of their basic rights were not included in the Constitution of 2017. The ministry has promised to listen to all their demands.