20 September 2024

Suan Dusit Poll conducted an opinion survey on the expectations of the public from each of the 20 ministries under the new cabinet, which is to start functioning after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s presentation of the policy statement in parliament on July 25-26.

The survey was conducted on 1,586 respondents between July 16th and 20th. The results are as follows:

  • Prime Minister’s Office: 93% expect to see government’s policies implemented for national development and prosperity; 35.03% expect officials to be honest and strictly follow the law; 20.76% expect efficient budgetary management and effective monitoring of expenditure.
  • Defence Ministry: 43% expect to see minister down to officials perform their duties with honesty and to their full capacities; 31.85% want the ministry to oversee national security, to help the people and national development; 24.72% expect the ministry to maintain peace, promote unity and reconciliation.
  • Finance Ministry: 98% have expectations of honesty and dedication to working for the people; 36.61% expect to see economic stimulus packages to boost the economy, to arrest inflation and to contain the cost of living; 26.77% expect effective control of spending by all ministries.
  • Foreign Ministry: 4% expect the ministry to boost international confidence in Thailand and to strengthen relations with other countries; 23.08% expect the ministry to promote Thai exports and cooperation with other countries; 15.38% expect the ministry to promote tourism.
  • Interior Ministry: 3% expect better public safety; 32.64% expect officials to perform their duties to their best ability and to reduce the backlog of unresolved cases; 25.39% expect a crackdown on illegal narcotics.
  • Agriculture Ministry: 86% expect price increases for rubber rice and oil palm; 21.34% expect better quality of life for farmers; 13.91% expect modernization of agriculture and control of the standards of farm products.
  • Education Ministry: 08% expect equal education opportunities for all; 33.94% expect quality education with the introduction of new technology; 26.11% expect education reform and an end to the rote learning system.
  • Ministry of University Education, Science, Research and Innovations: 60.29% expect systematic educational development and modernization of curricula; 30.88% expect access to free education up to university level; 22.06% expect safety on campus and a ban on hazing rituals.
  • Ministry of Labour: 14% expect an increased minimum wage and improvement of the quality of life for low-income earners; 30% expect job creation programs and increased earnings for workers; 26.49% expect a solution to illegal migrant workers.
  • Culture Ministry:67% expect promotion of Thai culture and traditions; 33.36% expect cooperation with other agencies to promote the tourism industry; 25% expect conservation of Thai values that fit in with the Thai society.
  • Ministry of Social Development and Human Security:64% expect equality in Thai society, better quality of life and reduction of inequality; 33.61% expect promotion of occupations for the under-privileged and care of the homeless; 17.21% expect domestic and societal violence to be resolved.
  • Tourism and Sports Ministry:38% expect promotion of standard tourism and increased safety for tourists; 31.30% expect cleanliness and beautification of tourist attractions as well as travel convenience; 25.19% expect promotion of secondary tourist cities and support of local products.
  • Ministry of Transport:09% expect development and connectivity of transport system across the country; 31.52% expect better traffic management in cities; 23.91% want promotion of public transport, improved services and fare reductions.
  • Ministry of Digital for Economy and Society: 85% expect stricter control of iappropriate media for youth; 32.31% expect legal control of online trading and investment to ensure fairness; 23.08% expect promotion of artificial intelligence and development of Thai youth to catch up with technological advances.
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment: 25% expect rehabilitation of degenerated forests and planting of more trees; 38.95% expect increased penalties for illegal loggers and illegal hunting; 23.38% expect natural resources management in proportion with the population.
  • Ministry of Energy:28% expect lower fuel prices and electricity charges; 22.75% expect promotion of clean and alternative energy; 21.56% expect transparency and honesty.
  • Commerce Ministry:35% expect control of prices of consumer products and farm products and an improved economy; 22.54% expect honesty and quick problem solving; 15.34% expect a crackdown on pirated and fake products and a reduction of household taxes.
  • Ministry of Justice:39% have expectations of fair and transparent justice, without double standards; 25.9% expect officials to be honest and not take bribes; 12.95% expect strict enforcement of the law.
  • Public Health Ministry:23% expect enough doctors and nurses to meet patient demand and modern medical equipment; 32.43% expect all hospitals to meet quality standards; 22.45% expect improvement of the health system.
  • Ministry of Industry: 5% expect standardization and improved competitiveness of Thai products; 33.33% expect promotion of the agro industry and export development; 21.19% expect better monitoring of toxic chemicals and air quality and cutbacks in electronic trash.