21 September 2024

One of the essentials during the COVID-19 pandemic is the PPE suit. Since most PPE suits are disposable, they produce an increasing amount of plastic waste.

Environmentalists have now introduced reusable PPE suits, to reduce the environmental impact. The idea is fairly new to most people and the plus side is not just about being environmentally friendly, it also saves cost.

According to the Department of Health, there was over 31,700 tonnes of infectious garbage generated between January and June this year. In June, an average of 210 tonnes of infectious waste was recorded on a daily basis. This is due to a continual surge in COVID-19 infections.

Experts say the upward trend is expected to continue, due to home isolation, whereby asymptomatic and mild cases, as well as those awaiting hospital beds, are asked to stay home with remote supervision by medical personnel.

A proper system for the disposal of infectious garbage is urgently needed, whether from medical facilities or from households.

Meanwhile, environmentalists hope reusable medical essentials will be part of the measures that help reduce toxic waste.