22 September 2024

The chief of the “Dong Ma-I botanical garden of literature” in Thailand’s north-eastern province of Roi-et was transferred for three days today (Tuesday), pending an investigation into his possible complicity in the theft of seized rosewood (Dalbergia cochinchinensis) by about 30 men, several of whom were armed, last Saturday.

The department’s director-general Atthaphon Charoenchansa said today (Tuesday) that an initial investigation found something suspicious about the chief of the garden, Wison Kudtalang.

For instance, he said, the robbery took place on Saturday night, but Wison reported the incident to the department at noon the following day, instead of immediately because incident was very serious.

He also said that the botanical garden chief, after the robbery, was allegedly taken by some of the thieves to an ATM in the town. They withdrew 200,000 baht, which was allegedly given to Wison, adding that the latter only reported the cash incident on Sunday evening, during police questioning.

Atthaphon said that the garden chief must clear himself of suspicion.

On Saturday, about 30 men raided the botanical garden to steal the seized rosewood, worth about 1.9 million baht, which was being stored there. A truck, equipped with a crane, was used to take the rosewood logs out of the garden.

Atthaphon also said he will seek help from Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn to investigate the gang of thieves, who are believed to be local people.

This theft of the precious rosewood is the second of its kind. The first case was reported in 2018, in Tha Uthen district of Nakhon Phanom, when thieves raided a forest protection unit and stole a huge rosewood log, about three metres long and two metres in diameter.