20 September 2024

Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has decided to extend the state of emergency for another 45 days, from December 1st until January 15th, in order to cover the New Year festival, when many people will return to their home towns or travel during the long vacation.

General Nataphol Narkpanich, secretary-general of the National Security Council, in his capacity as head of the CCSA sub-panel, said today that the extension was not politically motivated, but intended to cover the New Year holiday period and so that the sub-panel would not need to meet again before the new year.

He reasoned that many people travel during the New Year period and it is necessary that precautions are taken to prevent the possible spread of the coronavirus.

The CCSA sub-panel also instructed health officials in provinces bordering with Myanmar to step up screening of migrant workers from Myanmar, as many are expected to travel back to Myanmar for New Year celebrations.

The CCSA reported one new COVID-19 case today, a 28-year old Japanese employee in state quarantine.  Six patients recovered today, bringing the total to 3,721.

Cumulative infections in Thailand, to date, are 3,875.  94 others are still being treated in hospitals.