21 September 2024

Thailand today reports ten new COVID-19 cases, most are Thai arrivals from abroad in state quarantine, including a one-year old girl.

According to the CCSA, the ten new infections arrived in Thailand from Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Ethiopia and Indonesia.  Eight of them are Thai nationals, one is an Ethiopian airline cabin crew member and another is a Myanmar female office worker.

The ten new infections bring cumulative cases in Thailand, to date, to 3,490, including 2,445 locally-transmitted cases and 552 imported cases. Recoveries, to date, are 3,316 while 116 others are still in hospital. The death toll remains 58.

Meanwhile, Disease Control Department Director-General Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai told the media on Wednesday that there is no official record that a two-year old Myanmar boy, claimed by Myanmar officials in Myawaddy township to be infected with COVID-19 nine days after his return from Thailand, passed through a Thai immigration checkpoint on September 4th.

He said it is possible that the mother and child slipped back into Myanmar through one of more than 50 natural crossings along the porous border between the two countries.

He maintained that Thailand has stringent monitoring measures in place to screen high-risk people and to trace people who have been in close contact with an infected person.

Dr. Suwanchai said, however, he had instructed department officials to get information about the case via the International Health Regulator of the World Health Organization and from the Thai immigration office.