20 September 2024

A 40-year-old Thai woman has been praised for her heroic rescues of Thais trapped in the war zone in Israel.

Wipawadi Vannachai, known to her friends as “Jam”, and another Thai woman drove through the battle zone to help Thais who found themselves trapped amid the ongoing fighting in the country.

Wipawadi, who is now in back Thailand to attend her mother’s funeral, said she has had a legal office in Israel for more than 15 years.

When the fighting broke out earlier this month, a large number of Thais, who had previously used her legal services, began contacting her via messages and telephone, asking for her help.

“So, a Thai friend, known as “Nong”, and I decided to go out on rescue missions.”

Jam and Nong embarked on the missions in the belief that they could only die once, so they would do everything to help their Thai compatriots.

She live streamed her missions, showing groups of soldiers and tanks. Sometimes she had to negotiate with armed men to enter places where Thai workers were sheltering.

Her postings drew thousands of viewers and great praise and moral support.

She found that much of the accommodation used by Thai workers was burnt down, destroying their documents and belongings.

“When they want to return to Thailand, they have nothing left with which to identify themselves to the authorities. So, I helped them to contact the Thai authorities,” she said.

Some other Thais came to the airport to catch evacuation flights, but had no passports. “So, I contacted the Thai agencies concerned and helped them to get temporary passports to go home,” she said.

To help Thais in need was not easy, as there were dangers everywhere she went, she said, adding that she always asked God to open ways for her and to protect her and her friend.

Although she is now in Khon Kaen province, her Facebook page, “Jam Vannachai”, is still a centre for people to seek help and a channel through which to search for those missing.