20 September 2024

Bangkok South Criminal Court agreed on Friday to lift an international travel ban, imposed on lèse majesté suspect Ravisara Eksgool, allowing her to travel to Germany to pursue her studies.

Ravisara has been indicted for allegedly insulting the monarchy during a political rally in 2020, at which she read a statement, in German, about the Thai king.

The activist was released on bail, which came with a condition barring her from travelling outside the Kingdom.

Ravisa has won a scholarship from the German government and sought permission from the court to travel to Germany on seven previous occasions before the court agreed.

The activist could have lost the scholarship, had she been unable to travel before April 4th, and would not have been able to re-apply for this scholarship next year.

This time, the Court agreed that she could go, noting that Ravisa has not breached her bail conditions and has put effort into pursuing studies.

The lifting of the travel ban comes with the conditions that she report her school record to the court every semester, have three supervisors taking care of her both in Thailand and Germany and that she not participate in any anti Thai monarchy activities.

More than 100 people are facing the lèse majesté charges since the implementation of the law resumed in November 2020 in light of intensified anti-establishment movement.