20 September 2024

Thai PBS World Daily is here to provide you with a daily news roundup of the top stories in Thailand. Here’s what you need to know for today.

Chiang Mai struck by 4.1 magnitude earthquake Thursday morning

Chiang Mai was struck by a 4.1 magnitude earthquake this morning. It was the strongest quake in the province in recorded history. Tremors were also felt in the two neighbouring provinces of Lamphun and Phayao.

The epicentre of the tremor was located about two kilometres underground in Mae Khue sub-district of Doi Saket District. None of the temples in Doi Saket sustained damage in the quake and no public utilities were affected.

Engineers urgently working to restore power to Phuket International Airport

Engineers are working hard to restore power to Phuket international airport, after about 10 high-tension utility poles were brought down last night by heavy rain, causing flooding, particularly in downtown Phuket.

However, the airport has confirmed that the utility pole collapse didn’t affect their services, and they do have alternative power supplies. It also confirmed that the airport is not affected by the floods.

Thai political activist Srisuwan’s assailant charged with assault

The man who allegedly physically attacked political activist Srisuwan Janya has been charged with premeditated assault, which carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison and/or a fine of 60,000 baht on conviction.

The attack, which went viral on social media, has generated mixed reactions, with supporters offering moral support and donations to the assailant, while his detractors criticise his use of violence.

More shelters and jobs to be created for the homeless in Bangkok

More shelters are to be built for homeless people in Bangkok and more job opportunities will be made available to them, particularly to those who have recently become homeless, to improve their quality of life and to reduce homelessness

The deputy governor of the BMA chaired a meeting with related agencies yesterday, to discuss homelessness in Bangkok and to develop ways to find shelter and jobs for them, so they can earn incomes and pursue a normal life.