20 September 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said today (Friday) that he has never been involved in corruption throughout his career in government service and he does not tolerate corruption in the government’s bureaucracy.

In his address to mark International Anti-Corruption Day today, he said that corruption in the bureaucracy mainlyrelates to procurement projects, the selling of positions to the highest bidders, bribery and exploitation of legal loopholes.

As Thailand is a member of the United Nations, he said that his government has always attached importance to eliminating corruption in all its forms.

Corruption, he said, poses a serious threat to the country andall sectors of society must cooperate to eliminate it, so it will not be a legacy of sin for future generations, adding that the government has incorporated the fight against corruption in its 20-year national strategy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prime minister said his government rolled out numerous economic stimulus packages and populist schemes, such as the welfare card program, to help the people, and used technology to ensure transparency.

Had he been involved in corruption, he said that he would not have the courage to take the stage to talk about it today, as he vowed that those found guilty of corruption must be dealt with in accordance with the law.