21 September 2024

Three new COVID-19 cases were recorded in Thailand today (Saturday), all in state quarantine.

According to the CCSA’s Facebook page, one is a 23-year old Thai woman, who arrived from Sudan on July 10th and immediately entered state quarantine in Chon Buri province. An asymptomatic case, she tested positive for the virus on July 21st and was then admitted to hospital.

The two others are returnees from the US, including a 14-year old female student and a 23-year old male. Both arrived in Thailand on July 11th and entered state quarantine in Bangkok. The girl had a sore throat, while the man exhibited no symptoms, but both tested positive.

Cumulative infections in Thailand, to date, are 3,282, with 3,109 recoveries and 58 deaths.

2,444 are classified as locally acquired infections and 115 are still being treated in hospital.
Globally, cumulative infections are 15,939,175 and, of these, 66,242 are considered serious cases.

The total worldwide death toll, to date, is 642,622, while 9.7 million have recovered.

The US alone has recorded 4,248,327 infections followed by Brazil’s 2,348,200 and India’s 1,337,022.

Thailand is ranked 105th in the world, in terms of number of infections.