21 September 2024

Thailand’s new COVID-19 infection rate continues to decline with 15 reported today (Wednesday), which is the lowest daily figure since March 15th, when infections jumped to 32 in a single day.

CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin said that the fewer infections, as well as 244 new recoveries reported today are, indeed, very satisfactory and a reason to be proud, but he cautioned that Thailand cannot afford to drop its guard too quickly.

The country’s accumulated infections now stand at 2,826, while recoveries have also risen to 2,352. One new fatality was reported today, bringing the death toll to 49.

Today’s victim was a 58-year old diabetic housewife, who had been in contact with her infected daughter.  She was admitted to hospital for treatment on March 22nd and tested positive for the virus three days later.  Her condition worsened steadily, until she eventually passed away.

Of the new confirmed cases, 10 were in contact with other infected people, one had returned from abroad, one visited a crowded market and three others were associated with tourists.

Thirty provinces have reported no new infections for a fortnight, while nine provinces have still not reported a single case.

Analytical studies of 542 confirmed cases show that it takes between 4 and 28 days for symptoms to develop, said Dr. Taweesin, noting that there is a high risk of asymptomatic people passing the infection on to many others.

Responding to a question about COVID-19 tests, Dr. Taweesin said that people who think they may be infected can go for free tests, if their body temperature reaches 37.5oC or higher and have developed either a cough, a runny nose, a sore throat, breathing difficulties or a lung infection.

The Office of Social Security will be responsible for the cost of the tests and there are now more than 100 facilities, in Bangkok and in the provinces, providing the testing services.

Crowded places deemed to be of high risk include pubs, bars, gambling dens, fitness clubs, beauty salons, bus terminals, sports stadia, shopping malls, temples and masjids.

The Mental Health Department, meanwhile, reported that it had surveyed the psychological state of health personnel and the public, from April 13th to 19th, and found out that 5.2% experienced severe stress, while 4.2% experienced a moderate level of stress. The increased levels of stress coincide with the imposition of the state of emergency and curfew, said Dr. Taweesin.

He also disclosed that 200 Thais are due to return today from Russia, South Korea and Vietnam and all of them will enter mandatory state quarantine for 14 days.