21 September 2024

Thailand’s CCSA has agreed to reopen the country’s borders gradually, initially for six groups of foreigners and citizens from Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore and Hong Kong.

CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin said Monday that, initially, the number of foreigners to be allowed to enter the country will be capped at 200 per day, and they must go through 14-days of quarantine at alternative state quarantine (ASQ) at their own expense.

Although no limits are set for the number of citizens Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore and Hong Kong, groups are limited to 10 at most and all must be tested for COVID-19 in their home countries and again upon arrival in Thailand.

Additional restrictions will apply for travel within Thailand and they must arrive in Thailand only on repatriation flights, which carry Thais returning from abroad.

Foreigners to be allowed into the country are:

  • Spouses and children of those who have permits to work in Thailand or who are allowed to work in Thailand by a government agency
  • Documented expatriates
  • Foreign spouses and legitimate children of Thai citizens and foreigners who are married
  • Foreigners seeking medical treatment in Thailand, such as cosmetic surgery and assisted-reproductive treatment, excluding treatment for COVID-19
  • Foreign students and their parents
  • Non-Thais who are allowed into the country under other special arrangements

Dr. Taweesin explained that the CCSN based its decision to allow entry of citizens from Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China and Hong Kong on four factors, namely their economic importance to Thailand, their ability to contain coronavirus, their efficient public health systems and their readiness to conclude travel bubble tourism deals with Thailand.

He added that the CCSA has agreed to ease restrictions on travel on public transport, by allowing commuters to sit next to each other, without social distancing, but they must wear face masks at all times. Passenger density on busses and trains must not exceed 70% of the vehicle’s total capacity.