20 September 2024

Thailand’s central province of Chai Nat has been cleared of COVID-19 infections after the last eight patients tested negative for the virus, with five of them being discharged from their quarantine facility and the other three completing the 14-days of mandatory isolation, according to the Chai Nat provincial public relations office.

The eight were among 1,105 arriving in Chai Nat from Red Zone provinces, or who had been in close contact with the infected. 559 were placed under observation and all were later cleared by health officials.

Although there are now officially no infections in the province, health officials are advising everyone not to lower their guard and to continue wearing face masks every time they are outdoors, regularly wash their hands with sanitizer gel and use the Mor Chana application.

Meanwhile, well-known virologist Dr. Yong Pooworavan said today that COVID-19 vaccines are a supplementary measure, on top of normal preventive measures, adding that people are still required to be disciplined and observe the basic safety standards.

He clarified that inoculation with vaccines will help reduce the severity of the infection and reduce the chance of being hospitalized, so the vaccines should be given to the elderly first, because they are more vulnerable, not to the young and healthy.

He further explained that there have been limited trials of the vaccines in those under 18 and the COVID-19 fatality rate among youth is low.

For pregnant women, Dr. Yong said he does not recommend that they be inoculated, although this does not mean that they cannot be vaccinated, adding that new vaccines are not normally recommended for pregnant women until there is sufficient data on their safety during pregnancy.