20 September 2024

The Public Health Ministry’s Emergency Operations Centre for COVID-19 has lowered the national COVID-19 alert level from 4 to 3, as the daily infection rate has been falling.

Level 4 barred people from entering high-risk areas, which could include a variety of places, while only selected entertainment venues are closed in Level 3.

“Sandbox” measures may be imposed on international arrivals in Level 3, while Level 4 is much more reliant on quarantine. Working from home is encouraged in Level 4.

Level 5 is the highest, in which curfews may be imposed.

Disease Control Department Director-General Opart Karnkawinpong said, however, that the lowering of the alert level has nothing to do with the safety measures set by the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).

He said that new COVID-19 infections in most parts of the country are tending to fall, from their plateau in 23 provinces to declining in 54 provinces, which is in line with the guidelines for the transition to COVID-19 being reclassified as endemic disease.

He noted that, after the Songkran holidays, new infections and the number of patients undergoing treatment have not increased, while the number of severe cases is also falling in several provinces.

He said, though, that there are still fatalities among patients who are over 70 and who were not vaccinated or who have not received their booster shot within three months of their second dose, emphasising the need for the inoculation of people over 60, those with underlying diseases and pregnant women, as well as children before the resumption of on-site classes in mid-May.

Dr. Opart also stressed the need for these people to avoid places where many people are gathering, public transport and travel, both domestic and international.

He said that public compliance with the safety measures is a key factor in the faster progress towards reclassification of COVID-19.

Nevertheless, he urged the public to continue with the “Universal Prevention and Universal Vaccination” approach, with the emphasis on getting at least 60% of those over 60 fully vaccinated.

As Thailand is approaching its post-pandemic period, Dr. Opart urged all provinces to make preparations to cope with the situation, with the participation of all stakeholders, so Thailand is ready for the reclassification of the disease.

Thailand’s daily COVID-19 infections have been on the decline, with 6,448 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours. It is the second week that daily infections have stayed below 10,000.