20 September 2024

Thailand’s Democracy Index for 2022 improved significantly over 2021, jumping 17 places to 55th out of 167 countries, according to Acting Government Spokesman Anucha Burapachaisri, citing the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2022 Democracy Index.

He said that the ranking was based on assessments of the electoral process and pluralism, functioning of the government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. Thailand scored 7.42, 6.05, 8.33, 5.63 and 5.88 points respectively.

On average, Thailand scored 6.67 points last year, compared to 6.04 points a year earlier.

The latest index puts Thailand 4th among ASEAN countries, after Malaysia (40th on global index), the Philippines (52nd on global index) and Indonesia (54th on global index).

Anucha said the fact that Thailand’s average increase by 0.63 shows that, in terms of improvement, it is a top performer globally, adding that the index represents tangible evidence of the government’s determination to develop democracy in Thailand and to respect divergent viewpoints.