20 September 2024

Thailand’s new COVID-19 infections have fallen to 15 today, from 53 yesterday, while the number of in-patients has dropped to 277, the lowest for over a month.  No new fatalities were reported today.

According to the CCSA, accumulated confirmed cases in Thailand now stand at 2,594. The average age of the infected is 39 and most of the infections are in the 20-29 age group.  The oldest patient is 97 years old and the youngest is a one month old, who has already recovered and returned home.

CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin told a news briefing today that no new infections have been found among the illegal immigrants, being held at the immigration detention centre in Sadao district of Songkhla province, after 42 of them tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday. He said that close monitoring of the remaining illegal immigrants in the detention centre remains a priority.

Dr. Taweesin thanked all sectors of Thai society, from the frontline medical personnel to the general public, for their joint effort to steadily slow the spread of the disease.

He stressed, however, the need keep our guard up and cautioned against any quick relaxation of lockdown restrictions, without taking into account all aspects of the problem, including the possibility of a second wave of infections, as has occurred in several other countries.

Unless there a cure is found for COVID-19, which may not be available until next year, Dr. Taweesin said that certain lockdown restrictions will have to remain and people around the world need to adapt to a new normality.

Of the 15 new infections, seven are in Bangkok, including four in state quarantine, four in Phuket, two in Yala province, one in state quarantine in Chon Buri and one in Nakhon Pathom province.

207 Thais from Australia and 168 from New Zealand are due to arrive back in the country today.