20 September 2024

The Thai Embassy in London has warned Thais living in the United Kingdom about the scam calls, stating that it has no policy to call and ask for personal information.

It issued the warning on its Facebook page following complaints from Thai residents.

According to the embassy, scammers have manipulated the caller ID of the embassy (0207-589-2944), to make it appear that the call is from the embassy.

It advises Thais in the UK should avoid answering calls from unfamiliar numbers, as they may be from scammers. Additionally, it posted guidelines on “How to deal with scam callers,” suggesting that, when receiving a call from an unknown number, one should assume that the caller is a scammer.

It recommends keeping the caller’s information, such as the phone number, and maintaining an audio and visual record of the conversation. The embassy also advises checking for any irregular applications on the device and changing passwords regularly.

Some Thais commented on the post, reporting that scammers had called them and left voice messages when calls were not answered. The messages claimed they were waiting for the recipients to send back important documents, with potential impacts on their stay in the UK.

One comment expressed concern about how the scammers knew they were living in the UK and how they obtained their telephone numbers.