20 September 2024

Thammasat University Vice-Rector, Parinya Tewanarumitkul, said Saturday that there is new evidence which could be used to justify the reopening of the hit-and-run case against Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya, despite the claim by the Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) that the case is closed.

Speaking at a panel discussion on the controversial case, held today at Thammasat University, the law professor said that evidence of alleged illicit drug use by Vorayuth, and the speed at which his car was travelling at the time of the fatal accident road accident eight years ago, could still be used to revive the case.

He appealed to automotive experts to come forward to prove beyond doubt the speed of the sports car, being driven by Vorayuth, at the time of the tragedy.

He also called for a clear statement, supported by forensic evidence, confirming whether Vorayuth was under the influence of an illicit substance, noting that the statute of limitations on a drug related offences has not yet expired.

Police claim that a dentist had administered a drug, containing cocaine, during a dental procedure shortly before the accident. Many dentists, as well as the Dentistry Council of Thailand, have denied that anything containing cocaine is used in normal dental practice.

Forensic experts, at Ramathibodi Hospital and the Central Forensic Institute, confirmed the finding of cocaine traces in Vorayuth’s blood in samples, which were routinely taken shortly after the accident.

Public prosecutors have dropped all charges against the Red Bull heir, and the police did not challenge that decision. The case is, therefore, considered closed because the prosecutors’ decision is normally regarded as final.

Meanwhile, former attorney-general Mr. Atthapol Yaisawang told the same panel that the OAG will hold a news conference on Monday to clarify all the issues, in an effort to clear up any suspicion or misunderstanding.

Asked about the suggestion that the case should be reopened, he said that there is a possibility that it could be, but he declined to elaborate in his capacity as the Chairman of the Prosecutors Commission.

While claiming that the Thai judicial system is one of the best in the world, he admitted the system can be perverted if those who enforce the law abuse it and use their discretion inappropriately.