20 September 2024

Saturday December 23rd is the coldest day the year for Thailand so far, as temperatures across the country plunge to record lows, with the mercury dropping to 10oC in the north-eastern province of Nakhon Phanom and to 18oC -19oC in Bangkok.

Somkuan Tonjan, director of the Central Weather Forecast sub-division of the Meteorological Department, said that temperatures across the country dropped quickly by an average of 3oC, due to another cold front from China.

The cold weather will last until December 26th, after which it will become warmer until December 30th, when temperatures are forecast to fall again, said Somkuan. He attributed the cold weather in Thailand to the successive cold fronts from China, which is experiencing extremely cold weather, especially in Shanghai, which is recording the coldest winter in 40 years.

The north of Thailand is cold, but not as cold as the north-east, thanks to the westerly wind, which is bringing humidity to the region, said Somkuan, adding that cold weather in the northern provinces will last until December 27th.

Minimum temperatures over the next 24 hours are forecast as follows:
• 14oC -18oC in north and 3oC -11oC in the mountainous areas
• 8oC -15oC in the north-east and 5oC -12oC in the high lands
• 15oC -18oC in the central region
• 16oC -21oC in the east
• 18oC -24oC on the south-east coast
• 24oC -26oC on the west coast
• 18oC -20oC in and around Bangkok