20 September 2024

Two more shelters in Mae Sariang district of Thailand’s northernmost province of Mae Hong Son have recently been opened to accommodate refugees from Myanmar, who are escaping the fighting between Myanmar government forces and Karenni rebels near the Thai border.

Ban Jorpadee and Ban Unu are now housing 490 and 316 refugees respectively, in addition to Ban Sao Hin, which has been sheltering more than 3,000 refugees from Myanmar for several weeks.

The three border villages are not easily accessible, due to the difficult terrain, yet donations of food, drinking water and other necessities have been sent to the refugees by Thai people and state agencies.  

One female refugee said that her house is about a half day walk from Ban Unu, adding, however, that her family travelled by car and then walked through the forest for a few hours to reach the Thai border.

She said that, although her village is safe from Myanmar government ground forces, her family didn’t feel safe because Myanmar military aircraft have been flying over the village and they had to escape to the Thai side of the border for fear of air attacks.

Another refugee, who is a village headman, said that he led his villagers across the border at night, leaving their animals and farm land behind to seek refuge.

He said that once the situation returns to normal, they will go back home immediately.