21 September 2024

Phnom Penh – Both the US and India will be granted “comprehensive strategic partnership” (CSP) status at next week’s ASEAN-related summits, signalling the increased importance of their all-round cooperation with ASEAN, according to informed diplomatic sources.

As the ASEAN chair, Cambodia is preparing for the arrival of US President Joe Biden, who will attend the ASEAN-US Summit on November 12th, as well as the East Asia Summit (EAS) the following day, according to the sources. The announcement of the granting of CSPs will be made at the ASEAN-US summit.

The EAS, which will last for two hours, will involve leaders from ASEAN and eight other dialogue partners, namely the US, China, Japan, Russia, India, Australia, South Korea and New Zealand. The EAS is considered a premium strategic forum in the region. Key regional and international issues will be discussed.

Biden will then travel to Bali, to attend the G20 summit,where he will highlight the war in Ukraine and how it iscausing global instability. Both the leaders of Russia and Ukraine have been invited to join the meeting by the host, President Widodo Joko. In July, he visited both Kyiv and Moscow to extend the invitations.

India is finally being accorded CSP status, after New Delhi made concessions over trade in goods and service arrangements with ASEAN.

Last year, ASEAN established CSPs with China and Australia. Both dialogue partners have been cooperative and work closely with ASEAN in all areas.