20 September 2024

Thai Labour Minister Suchart Chomklin has assured that there is no shortage of AstraZeneca vaccine for employees covered by the social security scheme and vaccinations will resume at some locations on Monday.

The minister’s assurance came after the Office of Social Security decided to close all 45 vaccination venues in Bangkok four days, after they started providing the free service to employees covered by social security scheme, claiming that several of the venues are not appropriate and too hot, leading to a number of people not being vaccinated because of their high body temperatures.

Also, there have been conflicts between employee information provided by employers to the Social Security Office (OSS) in advance and the information provided by the employees at the vaccination site.

After improvements to the vaccination venues and the updating of information about the remaining employees, the inoculationswere expected to resume on June 28th.

Mr. Suchart, however, now expects several of these facilities to resume their service on Monday, not on June 28th, as previously stated by the OSS.

Meanwhile, the OSS has contacted employers regarding the conflicting employee information.

The OSS is aiming to inoculate 200,000 employees in Bangkok. 174,193 (87%) have received their initial doses since June 7th.