20 September 2024

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday warned against major power contest in Asia-Pacific which he said is no one’s backyard.

“No attempt to wage a new Cold War will ever be allowed by the people or by our times,” Xi said in a written speech to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit prior to the APEC summit which begins in Bangkok on Friday.

Xi, who arrived Thursday evening, also said countries in the region should “follow a path of peaceful development,” “a path of openness and inclusiveness” and “a path of solidarity.”

In the speech Xi recalled that the Asia-Pacific was once a ground of big power rivalry and a place fraught with international disputes. He said the region suffered so much from conflicts and wars.

Facing new developments, APEC members need to draw on past experiences and lessons, respond to the challenges of the times and steadfastly advance Asia-Pacific regional economic integration, Xi said,

He put forward a six-point proposal in this regard, namely bolstering the foundation for peaceful development, taking a people-centered development approach, pursuing higher-level opening-up, striving for higher-standard connectivity, building stable and unimpeded industrial and supply chains, and promoting economic upgrading.