20 September 2024

A student at a high school in Nong Chok district apologised to a foreign English teacher on Monday, after she insulted the teacher and raised her middle fingers.

The incident happened as her English teacher was in front of the class receiving reports from students. The student, whose name was not released, went with one of her friends to present the reports and, while the teacher was turned away from them, she acted as if she was about to hit the teacher’s head.

The teacher turned back and the student acted as if nothing happened. When the teacher turned to talk to other students, the student in question raised her middle fingers of both hands and laughed.


Her intention was clearly to create content for her social media platform, as she had her friend record all of her actions.

It seemed that the teacher was aware of what had happened, but continued teaching.

After the clip was posted by her friend, it went viral and was shared, not only in Thailand but also abroad. The student shut down her social media after receiving negative comments and harsh criticism regarding her manners.

The student met her teacher on Monday and apologised. The teacher hugged her, saying she forgave her.